SAN JOSE   >>>


Our beliefs are in common with what most Christians worldwide believe



We believe that our understanding of God should be practical. Our primary concern is for the transformation of the lives of sincere seekers into the likeness of Christ through repentance, spiritual habits, and the work of the Holy Spirit that cultivates hearts and lives of holiness


About God

God is a single spirit expressed in three different persons (trinity): God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are always present together in every interaction. Through their grace and mercy for us they are restoring the world as God created it
Father - Creator and sustainer of the universe
Son (Jesus) - Savior of the world
Holy Spirit - Sanctifier of the people of God

About The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and is accurate in all matters of salvation. 
We believe that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s Word to us in Scripture and nature

About Sin

We believe that humans were created in the image of God, intended for a loving relationship with him and to reflect his love for all humanity and creation
We believe that, because of sin, we have lost our ability to love God and others
We believe that, even when far from God, the Holy Spirit is with us, inviting us to a relationship with him

About Salvation

We believe Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross paid the price of our sins so that we can be forgiven, live in relationship with him, and be adopted into his family as sons and daughters

About Holiness

Holiness is the work that God does in our lives to free us from habitual sin and self-centeredness, to live for him as we learn to love others as he loves us.
We believe that God’s purposes for salvation is not limited to just individuals, but for all relationships, all communities, societies and creation

About The Church

The church is the family of God, it is made up of all who live in relationship with God and in relationship with other believers as we seek to live in devotion to God and love for our neighbors.
We all have a special calling to reach out to people, many of whom are poor, to care for their physical, material and spiritual needs, and welcome them into the life of the Church.

About Following Jesus

Following Jesus is about growing in our dependence on him and walking in his ways.
We believe in following Jesus it is beneficial to participate in groups in which we hold each other accountable for our love for others and learning more about him from the Bible and each other

About Jesus' Returns

We believe that Jesus will come again and in that moment all will be given resurrected bodies
Those who are in a right relationship with the Lord will now be in his presence throughout eternity and those who are not in a right relationship with the Lord will be sent to an eternity without God and of suffering

